Sunday 10 July 2011

Late June Pictures...

Happy with this combination (light pink fuschia still trying to peek out !)

Total impact :)

Happy with the outcome of these hanging plants

My lovely german chamomile (matricaria) from my mother in law...(and from her father)

come on little squash hurry up!

Experimental beds...

Herb garden again spectacular...need to thin a little

Roses looking healthier...not quite what I want yet...a little floppy!

Bed in progress...waiting for those clematis to take over next year!

My little silver, purple and white bed.....

Fuschia finally coming out!

Tomatoes gone wild....did alot of "pruning" to let the sun in!

Tomatoes coming!

raised beds waiting for a reorg

Waiting for the Rudbeckia!

Crocosmia about to bloom


  1. Hi my first time here, i love those little golden squash. We dont have them here. They look like golden zucchinis.

  2. just found your blog and enjoyed all the happenings in your garden - always better in progression than completed! As a Salviaphile, very taken with your S. argentea of previous post(added to wishlist)

  3. Isn't waiting the hardest? I get impatient for my blooms as well. Your garden is lovely. Welcome to Blotanical!

  4. @ Andrea...they are called crooked neck squash in the southern united states...they are super sweet. These are kind of bumpy and harder than the smooth skin..still waiting a little longer before I pick them. I have been battling with bacterial wilt on the leaves and rotting the fruit with the rain we they seem to be overcoming...with as many plants as I have I should get a few "fruit"!

  5. @ Laura...thank you....I am just getting started...I am trying to record my garden in its first year after buying the house...but I want to write more and focus on photos later... You have inspired me to write a ditty on Salvia, one of my favourite plants (although I am limiting myself to hardies only in the UK as I only have mini greenhouses)

  6. @ The Sage Butterfly....thank you for the warm welcome!
